Friday, 19.7., 21.30 / Grimani Castle
Cia. Daniel Abreu, ES
Concept and choreography: Daniel Abreu
Assistant director: Mauricio Pérez
Rehearsals director: Mauricio Pérez Mar Rodríguez
Performed by: Emiliana Battista, Marino Carmen Fumero, Dácil González, Alba González , Laura López
Music: Collage
Light design: Alfredo Diez, Daniel Abreu
Photography: marcosGpunto
Manager: Elena Santonja Garriga
Coproduction: Teatros del Canal & Daniel Abreu
In collaboration with: Centro Coreográfico María Pagés & Centro Coreográfico Canal
VAV is the sixth letter in the Hebrew alphabet and symbolizes whatever joins or keeps things together, whether it is a hook, a link, or the junction between the land and the sky, or man and spirit. Its definition is associated with relations in general, including the romantic ones. This play, intended for five performers, represents the dichotomy necessary for existence. It juxtaposes dance and words, as well as misrepresentation of light and sound. This work is a philosophical point of view on the joining power of love and the links between people.
Daniel Abreu is a dancer and choreographer, native to the island of Tenerife, where he began his inquisitive study of bodily movement and scenic expression. During his artistic studies, he also obtained a degree in psychology, which is discernible in the deliberate poetic symbolism of his choreographies. His works have been shown in many countries, where they have been favourably received by critics and viewers alike, and received numerous awards. As a result, Cia. Daniel Abreu has been one of the most renowned companies on the dance stage for years. Founded in 2004, it is considered one of the most respectable Spanish contemporary dance companies, which gathers dancers devoted to physical vocabulary and bodily communication. So far the company has premiered more than fifty works. Its popularity with audience and specialized press has led to further support from an array of institutions such as the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, the Cervantes Institute and the Madrid Community.
WARNING: This performance uses flashing light effects.
