Leather Better
Choreography, concept, performance and costume: Andréa Givanovitch
Guest performance supported by: Aerowaves
Leather Better, a solo created and performed by Andréa Givanovitch explores how social and political oppression translates into a body. This oppression took the form of a western leather jacket as a clothing item with pronouncedly masculine energy because of its shape, fabric and use in the past by men. Its roughness served as the counterpoint for the choreographer to create from, dive into the concept of masculinity and find out how his body and through it his personality of a gay man who has always been called out for being too feminine is affected by the image and the message that a leather jacket carries. Because it is all about the body - the individual body but also the body in the society- it is where all the regulations and exclusions are coming from. Flourishing beyond those limitations is what this solo speaks about.
Andréa Givanovitch is a French dancer and choreographer based in Paris. He graduated from the Conservatoire Regional de Musique et de Dance de Toulouse, obtaining his Choreographic Certificate (CEC) with Jury’s Congratulation. In 2015, he joined the Companyia Juvenil del Ballet Classic de Cataluña, directed by Elise Lummis and Jean Emile, performing ballet pieces by Frederick Ashton. Then he went back to contemporary dance training, studying at SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) and graduating in 2020. He spent the following two years as a member of the Bodhi Project Dance Company and since 2023 he has been working with Aerites Dance Company, directed by Patricia Apergi in Athens. So far Andréa has created two works, the solo Leather Better, which he performs himself, and Exodus, a piece for four dancers. He is also a certified hatha yoga teacher and has been teaching yoga regularly within the Movementors Training Programs at SEAD.