Choreograper: Irma Omerzo Performers: Ana Mrak, Dina Ekštajn, Martina Tomić, Ida Jolić, Nastja Štefanić Dramaturge: Jasna Jasna ®mak Music composed and performed by: Stanislav Kovačić Costume designer: Zdravka Ivandija Kirigin Set designer: Vanja Magić Assistant choreographer: Dina Ekštajn Photo & video: Jasenko Rasol Production: Studio Contemporary Dance Company Producers: Tena Bošnjaković, Ivan Mrđen Supported by: Zagreb City Office for Culture, Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media, Kultura nova Foundation
'Spectacle questions the heritage of the Contemporary Dance Studio, the eldest Croatian contemporary dance company. However, instead of a classic homage, the author uses the company’s tradition to tackle the conditions, meanings and reasons for collectiveness at the time we are living in, on and off the stage. By generating dance vocabulary from the selected photographs of the Studio’s dance productions, specific dance experiences of the performers and big, ‘spectacular’ choreographies, Irma Omerzo questions the perspectives of unison movement and the possibilities of its deconstruction, and at the same time searches for boundaries, frames and combinations of collectiveness. The title of the performance is a reference to the fascination with the unison movement in the mainstream culture, but also a reminder of the potential within it. In this sense Spectacle denies the traditional protocols of spectacularity which insist on uniformity and replaces them with the emphasis on the potential of being together in a way that affirms individuality in the collectiveness.' Jasna Jasna ®mak
Choreographer, certified Feldenkrais method instructor and teacher at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, Irma Omerzo gained her dance education in France, where she worked with Andy de Groat, Philippe Decoufle and François Verret from 1991 to 2005. In 2011, she won the Croatian Dancers Association Award for her work as a choreographer and teacher, and her commitment to improving the status of contemporary dance. Since 2013, Irma has been teaching at the Dance Department within the Academy of Dramatic Art, where she holds regular classes in choreography, Feldenkrais and performance workshops.