Autori koncepta, koreografije i kostima / Concept, choreography and costumes: Louis Thuriot & Borna Babić
Glazba / Music: Steve Reich: Music for 18 Musicians, Different Trains-America-Before The War; Jun Miyake: Like a Dervish
This choreography points out the blindness towards each other in our society. Each living being has their own individual story to tell. Everybody is unique and has a desire to communicate with others. But the modern perception of time causes stress and the new technology makes those stories disappear in the ignorance of our society. This piece shows what happens when we open our eyes for a moment to the living others around us.
Borna Babić studied at Codarts, Rotterdam Dance Academy. He worked with Marina Mascarell, Jiří Kylián, Andonis Foniadakis, Iván Pérez, and is currently working with Guy & Roni / Poetic Disasters Club. The Corrie Hartong foundation granted him the scholarship for education at Codarts 2016-2017, and the Tanja Liedtke Foundation for DV8, physical theater development workshop in Berlin in 2016.
Louis Thuriot started dancing at the later age of 16 at the art school in Brussels. He continued his studies at Codarts in Rotterdam. He is currently working with Guy & Roni / Poetic Disasters Club. In 2016, he won the second prize for choreography for his solo Balance at the Solo Tanz competition in Stuttgart. As a result, he toured with his solo in the Netherlands, Germany and Brazil. In that same year, he also won the first prize at the contemporary solo competition in Brussels. The Kylian foundation granted him the scholarship for education at Codarts.