authors: Iva Korenčić, Andreja Široki performers: Tea Stapar, Marta Šola, Ivana Macan, Nenad Đokić, Judita Tripar, Petra Tintor, Lena Maružin, Karolina Kanižaj, Ana Kanižaj, Lara Domić Djaković, Mihaela Mikulec, Margita Ivković directing, filming and editing: Iva Korenčić sound and music: Luka Čabo production: Centar za ples i umjetničko istraživanje / Center for Dance and Artistic Research partners: Mediterranean Dance Centre, Koprivnica City Museum, Ateliers Koprivnica, Zagreb Dance Centre, Peglanje snova production services with the support of: Zagreb City Office for Culture, Education and Sport; the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia
Trip is the result of the two-year long research of authentic movement – the movement which is specific and most natural for a particular performer. By recording specific conditions which leave unquestionable trace on the movement, we map social, spatial, emotional and energetic patterns which determine a certain movement as being choreographied. The collision of authentic/natural and artificial/imposed is visible on many levels – through dance expression, specific locations, props, way of recording, editing, and comprehensiveness of the idea through various media.
Iva Korenčić is a multimedia author who uses photography, video and dance as pillars of her work. Andreja Široki is a choreographer, dancer, holistic dance pedagogue and teacher and practitioner of Theta healing. After A Metre Seventy and Something and the video installation Ode, Trip is their third collaboration.