Concept and choreography: Natalija Manojlović Choreographers and performers: Sara Barbieri (ZPA), Petra Chelfi (ZPA), Ivana Pavlović, Nina Sakić, Karolina Šuša, Martina Tomić (SSP) Set design: Martina Granić, Natalija Manojlović Graphic design: Martina Granić Light design: Duško Richtermoc Photos by: Hana Ciliga, Martina Granić, Ana Markić In cooperation with: UPUH Co-production: HIPP, kroz platformu rezidencija u Zagrebačkom plesnom centru / HIPP through residence in Zagreb Dance Center Supported by: the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sport.
“This project is my answer to the invitation of six, excellent young dancers. The only thing they conditioned was their participation as performers; everything else was left to me to decide. My first decision was to choose the theme together with the performers and we soon decided to make a show about Slav women. Thinking about that show, all kinds of associations arose, from Volga to the Adriatic Sea, from Perun to Putin. From the theory according to which Slavs are slaves, through the theory about Slavic letter, by Slavic antithesis we came to the theory of Slav who celebrates. Slavs celebrate always and everything, most intensely so when they cry. This piece is dedicated to our grandmothers and grandfathers, heroes who fought for higher causes, not only for pure existence. It is not our intention to be nostalgic about the past, but to say something more about the requirements of the new social system in which there is no time for mistakes, mutual support, emotions, and least of all for nostalgy.“
Natalija Manojlović, author
Natalija Manojlović (1978) started as dancer and choreographer. With time, she turned her interest in theatre and dance into a specific creative approach, explored in the projects since 1998 to this day (Virus 0’98, 1998; Oprosti, sam’malo!, 2003; Korozija d.o.o., 2005; Vodoinstalater, 2009 etc). In 2011 she wrote and directed Slučaj &TD. She graduated psychology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, dance from Ana Maletić Dance School, and continued perfecting her theatre skills as stage movement assistant and assistant director in the projects of renowned theatre directors, such as Anočić, Waltl, Brezovac, Taufer, Tomić, Kovačić, Udovički and others.