Ustav Republike
autorica / author: Katarina Đurđević izvedba / performance: Iva Ivančica Horvat koreografija / choreography: Iva Ivančica Horvat / Katarina Đurđević video: Igor Pauška fotografija / photography: Amer Kuhinja oblikovanje svjetla / lighting design: Miljenko Bengez studio i montaža zvuka / sound: Robert Nappholz / Audio studio Debelji vokali / vocals: Iva Ivančica Horvat / Vesna Matana produkcija / production: Udruga profesionalnih plesnih umjetnika „PULS”, Zagreb
This is a multimedia piece about the little man who is reading the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia.
Using everyday life, the show relies and builds on concrete and abstract, logical and illogical, real and imaginary, absurd and nonsensical elements.
It explores the meaning and applicability of the Croatian Constitution in practice but through concealed concepts it finds but utter nonsense. This utter nonsense serves to better understand the intended meaning of the Croatian Constitution. It is the observing of constitutional freedoms and human rights that gives sense to the community, the sense that has largely become its opposite in today's Croatia. Or is it that these concealed concepts do not reveal nonsense but show that all this is but a dead letter? The show plays with the meaning within meaning, sense in nonsense, nonsense in sense…
Katarina Đurđević and Iva Horvat developed this show during their stay in the Art Center Svetvinčenat, while they were working on the "Plešem u Istri (I Dance in Istria)" project.