Koncept i koreografija / Concept and choreography: Laura Aris Alvarez Sukreatori i izvođači/Created with and performed by: Sara Barbieri, Petra Chelfi, Elvis Hodžić, Zrinka Lukčec, Aleksandra Mišić, Martina Nevistić, Ognjen Vučinić
Projekt je financijski podržan od strane Gradskog ureda za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport grada Zagreba, Ministarstva kuture Republike Hrvatske i TZ Grada Zagreba/The project has been realized with the support of Zagreb City Office for Culture, Education and Sport; the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and Zagreb City Tourist Board. Zahvaljujemo Primožu Bezjaku, Plesnom centru TALA, Školi suvremenog plesa Ane Maletić, Hrvatskom institutu za pokret i ples / Many thanks to: Primož Bezjak, TALA Dance Center, Ana Maletić School for Contemporary Dance, HIPP
“This is us, vulnerable, isolated, entirely self-contained yet altogether at the mercy of the elements. The ship of Fools is sailing tonight and all of us are aboard.” Jeanette Winterson, Gut Symmetries
This piece researches into Desire and tensions it creates. Desire claims life, pleasure, self-fulfillment, freedom, but also causes frustration, denial, fear or disappointment. We live in a society which is in discord with nature, trapped in domestic comfort of keeping control, following the set up rules. Are we ready to dive into the unknown?
We might be civilized but our needs might not.
Seven dancers. Seven dreams, seven wishes, seven possible conclusions, seven attempts to deconstruct identity.