Ideja, koncept, koreografija, režija / Idea, concept, choreography, direction: Helene Weinzierl Koreografija / Co-choreography: Anna MacRae U suradnji s izvođačima / In cooperation with the performers: Yuri Korec, Viviana Escalé, Vladislav Soltys Glazba / Music: Oliver Stotz Oblikovanje svjetla / Lighting design: Peter Thalhamer Glas / Voice: Christian Sattlecker Fotografija / Photos:Peter Huber
trajanje/duration: 65 min
Three people accidentally meet at an Indian bus station. They try to flee the banality of everyday life; they stagger around in a quest for meaning and finally end up in a labyrinth of nonsense. Nonsense – sense – senselessness. What nonsense? A search for answers to questions that accompany us every day, such as brushing our teeth or the traffic lights changing to yellow. Perceived, realized, but not felt. The way to answers is temporarily closed due to manipulative tricks. Pushed away because of fear. May we still ask the question whether anything makes sense at least at the surface? Maybe the reason for problems in Tunis was simply the question: why is the sky blue? Can we be sure? Nonsense. We can be sure of absolutely nothing. We do not want to, are not allowed to, will soon not be able to be sure anymore. And so we begin to lose our sense of time. Those who live the same life every day will always live in the past, the present and the future.
Austrian choreographer Helene Weinzierl founded cieLaroque/helene weinzierl in 1995, after being a dancer for more than ten years. With the company she toured various festivals around the world including the U.S., Japan, Southamerica, Singapore, Russia and all Europe, presenting her work in more than 200 cities. She is artistic director of per.form>d<ance Festival Salzburg and founded 1990 tanzimpulse Salzburg. cieLaroque/helene Weinzierl is one of the most touring ensembles of Austrian dance scene and has been showing her productions for more than 10 years all over the world. Some of her productions feature a connection between dance and theatre; others are dedicated exclusively to a clear and intensive language of movement. In recent years, the work of the company has been characterized by interdisciplinary pieces and the implementation of video. Most of the productions focus on socio-politically relevant topics.