You Never Know How Things Are Going To Come Together
Umjetničko vodstvo i koreografija / Art direction and choreography: André Mesquita Pokrete osmislili / Co-creation (movement): Masa Kolar, Teresa Alves da Silva, Filipa Peraltinha, São Castro, Guzmán Rosado, Marco Ferreira Oblikovanje svjetla / Lighting design: Nuno Salsinha Kostimi i scenografija / Costume and stage design : André Mesquita Glazba / Music: Weltschnerz, Melotron; Keskeisvoima/Centrlforce, PanSonic e Tu non mi perderai mai, Peter Gregson Glazbeni aran¾mani / Musical Arrangement: Guzmán Rosado Produkcija / Production TOK´ART |Koprodukcija / Co-production Teatro Municipal - Maria Matos
“The first insight is that while the conscious mind writes the autobiography of our species, the unconscious mind does most of the work..” The Social Animal, David Brooks
You Never Know How Things Are Going To Come Together is Andre Mesquita’s second piece based on the book The Social Animal by David Brooks. For Andre, what is so inspiring about Brooks’ theories is his trust in intuition and emotion. The conviction that the purpose of life is not about the rational knowledge of ourselves, but about losing ourselves. “We are activists for the arts, dance and unusual sensations”.
The initiating activity of TOK’ART in 2006 has set a structure for constant creation and production in the area of contemporary dance and the performing arts. They have had a long partnership with the municipality of Cartaxo and have established the cultural association Cabeça nas Nuvens which has given legal structure and greater stability for their operation.
The work of the Company is probably best described by this quote: (…)Tok’Art is dedicated to really serious work – focused on the reinvention of virtuous movement, the conventional modus operandi of dance, and on the construction of successive poetic universes, rather than innocuous ones. Its inclusion in cultural programming circuits supplements its healthy diversity, which is important in providing a premise that sparks debates on what currently signifies “center”, “periphery”, “conservation” and “renovation” in contemporary dance.(…) Luisa Roubaud – Público (2009)