Tras Tos
Original idea and direction: Emilio Gutiérrez Assistant director: Claudia Moreso Creation and performance: Gema Díaz, Emilio Gutiérrez, Joan Palau, Noemí Ventura Music: Emilio Gutiérrez Staging: Miquel Ruíz Wardrobe: Miriam Moreno Distribution: Cristina Zamponi Coordinator: Rosa Pino Producer: Silvia Lorente Company funded by Barcelona City Council (ICUB), the Department of Culture and Communication Media of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Ministry for Culture (INAEM). Founder and member of La Caldera, ACPDC and TTP.
Man-machine, animal... Where do one start and the other one end? Man-animal... Man-machine... How much do we have of each? Or are we a mixture of all of them all at once?
Tras-Tos explores these territories and plays with the contradictions created inside of us when these three concepts unfold and coexist at the same time, giving rise to curious, absurd and funny situations.
Feel, think, produce, affect, calculate, sense...
Tras-Tos immerses us in a universe where man-machine-animal coexist in the same space, where they are confused with objects and they try to exist side-by-side as best they can...