created by: Jonas&Lander performed by: Jonas Lopes, Lander Patrick, Lewis Seivwright
costume design:Carlota Lagido light designer: Carlos Ramos
digital animation: Web4Humans
sound designer: Lander Patrick
production: [PI] Produções Independentes | Tânia M. Guerreiro
co-production: Teatro Maria Matos, Centro Cultural Vila Flor
artistic residencies: O Espaço do Tempo, Alkantara (PT), Centro Cultural Vila Flor (PT), Centro de Experimentação Artística no Vale da Amoreira/Câmara Municipal da Moita, Artemrede/Projeto Odisseia (PT), DeVIR/CAPa (PT), Câmara Municipal de Lisboa/Polo Cultural | Gaivotas Boavista, PACT Zollverein (GR), Sín Culture Centre Budapeste (HU), Graner/Mercat de les Flors (SP), Nave (CL).
with the support of: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (PT).
Produções Independentes is financed by the Ministry of Culture / Direção Geral das ArtesAerowaves Twenty17 Artists
Jonas&Lander recently discovered there’s a new species of octopus. It’s very small and as it looks harmless and fragile, it inevitably arouses a sense of empathy. Actually, it looks so adorable that science is thinking of calling it Octopus Adorabilis. This designation, which is contrary to science’s usual empirical naming process, drove Jonas&Lander to investigate incoherence as the genesis of human discourse as well as tensions in nature between rigorous exactitude and eschatology. Taking an octopus as a symbol of multiplicity, Jonas&Lander decided to create an octopus-styled dance aimed at ingesting, digesting and regurgitating diverse cultural and natural references. With a brain in every tentacle, Octopus Adorabilis uses its body, along with light and sound, as independent elements that impact behaviour and the reaction of its interpreters, just as hunger, temperature and sexual instinct affect animal decisions. “In Adorabilis, we experience a reaction to a frenetic and automated world controlled by an adorable digital Big Brother.” Enter an imaginary bestiary, a ceremonial space filled by rhythm and bodies in unison. Expect a maze-like performance inspired by cultural and biological diversity.
Jonas Lopes (Portugal, 1986) Upon completion of his studies, Jonas emigrated to London. There, he sang fado at events around the city and attended classes at the Pineapple Dance Studio, sharing a flat with a person who grew up on a boat and another who was born in the Pyrenees. Nostalgic for Portuguese olive oil, he returned to Lisbon to record Rosa Negra´s album Fado Mutante, released in 2011 and winner of the 2012 Carlos Paredes award. Admitted to Escola Superior de Dança, he began to create his own work in collaboration with Lander Patrick. He feels truly privileged to travel, learn and work with theatre, music, and dance artists like Margarida Bettencourt, Tiago Guedes, Sofia de Portugal, Jérôme Bel, Maria João e Mário Laginha, among others.
Lander Patrick (Brasil, 1989) Lander suffered from chronic asthma since moving from Brazil to Portugal in 1989, the year he was born. He played volleyball to ward off the disease, but eventually graduated in dance. Lander has worked around the world with people he admires, such as Luís Guerra, Tomaž Simatovič, Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Alejandro Ahmed, Margarida Bettencourt and Jonas Lopes, among others. Having won two awards in choreography – the 1st prize at the Festival of Choreographic Miniatures (Serbia) for Noodles Never Break When Boiled, and the 2nd prize at the No Ballet International Choreography Competition (Germany) for Cascas d’OvO – he found the motivation to work in the field of choreographic creation rather than at a call centre.